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Small-office management software that won’t cost you a month’s income

Think of all the things you need to get done in your office. From manual data entry from a form into a computer spreadsheet to limiting building entry to authorized personnel only, all kinds of tasks must be done. However, who said that they must all be done by you? After all, isn’t your time precious? Couldn’t you spend your time doing something more productive than constantly answering phones or going through contracts in order to sign them manually?

Of course you could. That’s why we wrote this guide on some of the best small-office management software packages on the market that won’t break your budget. Here are five software tools that can help free up your schedule.

Female Receptionist At Desk
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Whether you’re responsible for the social-media accounts in your company or know the person who is, Hootsuite is a tool that can free up significant amounts of time. As you may know, trying to spread your content across multiple social-media platforms and then scheduling all of that content can be super time-consuming. With Hootsuite, you’ve got access to all of your social-media accounts on one platform.

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Moreover, Hootsuite allows you to schedule and post content to all of your accounts simultaneously. You can also edit and delete posts, backdate posts, and schedule posts in advance. It’s pretty convenient!

Learn more here:


If you need to keep tasks organized, Evernote is one of the best office-management systems on the market that allows you to do that. This tool helps you write lists, take notes, and collect articles. Additionally, Evernote provides you with the ability to take all the documents you’ve made and then transform them into one screen-friendly, professional layout.

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Slack is an office-management tool that almost needs no introduction. Many businesses today use it, and if you’re not, then perhaps you should be. The software is essentially an instant messenger, which allows your company’s whole team to communicate efficiently. You can have one-on-one chats as well as group chats. You can also create channels for different teams or different projects. Plus, attaching and sending files is a breeze.

Communication at work is vital, and Slack helps you achieve that in spades.

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Envoy Visitors

Envoy Visitors is a software package that helps you automate visitor sign-ins. For example, the software can help you accept deliveries, collect forms and signatures, and automatically sign in guests. With Envoy Visitors, people won’t need to wait for a receptionist. In turn, your receptionist can focus on other, more pressing tasks.

All visitors need to do is sign in using an iPad, and the software automatically notifies the relevant parties. Additionally, you can have visitors sign any other documents you need from them right then and there on the iPad before their appointment with you begins.

Another exciting feature is Envoy Visitors’ ability to create company-specific designs to badges that bear temporary credentials for visitors who sign in. It will also keep track of the visitor’s entry time, date of entry, and more.

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If you ever need to limit building access to a specific group of people, Kisi is the software you need. Not only can it restrict access to your building as a whole, but it can also limit access to certain areas within your office itself. The program has a smart lock system that allows you to manage access easily. No need for in-depth IT knowledge or a team of IT professionals to set things up for you.

Give your administrator top-level access, and that person can then grant or remove security access to anyone in your company. Additionally, the program’s dashboard allows you to see at a glance which areas are secured and monitor who has attempted entry.

Additionally, employees can use either their smartphones or a keycard to unlock doors. It’s super convenient.

Learn more here:

Man Working At Computer
Girts Ragelis/Shutterstock

Save time and money

Every one of the small-office management software packages we’ve listed above is affordable. However, you should ask about what’s included in the price. Is there software training available? If so, is it online, on a CD, or does the company send a representative to your company to provide that training?

You should also give attention to their customer-service policies. Many times, companies have minor issues with a piece of software that a quick discussion with customer service or tech support can quickly resolve.

The bottom line is that time is money. If you’re spending your time attending to things that software can handle for you, then you may be wasting both time and money. The office-management software mentioned above is a great way to prevent that from happening.

Will Blesch
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Will Blesch is a copywriter, content writer, and someone passionate about anything that lets him discover more about this…
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