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5 kits to keep the kids entertained while you work

If you’re a working parent, you know that sometimes it can be hard to keep work and family separate. If you work from home, it can be tough to find ways to keep the kids entertained. And if you work in the office, it is inevitable that they will end up there with you at some point.

If you need a way to keep your kiddos busy while you work, avoid the screen time and get creative! Kits for children’s art and STEM activities include all the materials they need to encourage their creativity. Not only do children enjoy them, they also promote learning and wellness. Explore these five art kits for kids for creative ideas to spark a child’s imagination and help you get more done.

Art and STEM kits for kids are a great way to keep kids occupied while you work at home or at the office. With these creative and fun activity kits, you can stimulate creativity and provide hours of entertainment for your kids. Give them a try and get more done while your kids have a great time.

Erin Rupp
Erin Rupp writes about productivity, design, and lifestyles. Her work has been featured on Freedom, Springboard, and other…
Learn to hand letter with these essential tools
the best calligraphy pens pen

A well-executed hand lettering piece can add a touch of personality and flair to any document, whether it be a formal letter, an invitation, or just a sign for your business. However, getting started with hand lettering can seem daunting if you're not sure where to begin. Thankfully, there are a few essential tools that will make the process much easier. Here's a look at some of the basics you'll need to get started.

Conclusion paragraph: With the right supplies and a bit of practice, you can learn to hand letter like a pro. By adding some personality and flair to your office documents, you'll be sure to leave a lasting impression on your colleagues. Give it a try!

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5 Thoughtful wedding gifts to show employees you care
wine accessories gifts

One of the most rewarding parts of being a boss is watching your staff grow both on the job and outside of work. Though you likely try not to meddle in your employees’ personal lives, it’s exciting to learn one is engaged.
Whether you scored an invite to the wedding or not, sending a gift is a thoughtful gesture. You want to walk the line between finding something special that isn’t too personal. Household items make for safe choices. The employee will likely put them to good use as they start this exciting new chapter in their lives. Here are five gift ideas for bosses to send a newlywed employee.

If wedding bells are ringing for one of your employees, you may want to give a gift, even if you weren’t invited to the wedding. It shows you support your employee outside of the office and will put a smile on their face. Household items are good choices. They’re useful, beautiful, and not overly personalized (You don’t want to make the person feel awkward). Wooden wine crates and lazy Susans will come in handy for entertaining, and fine China storage containers will help the employee keep some of the more expensive items on their registry safe. Kettles are perfect for morning coffee and afternoon tea, and bamboo wedge pillows will ensure they remember to put their feet up every now and then.

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5 stylish pieces for your office makeover
Office set up for a meeting

Is your office lounge area in need of some TLC? Are employees avoiding the break room and congregating around their desks instead? If so, maybe it’s time to upgrade your office recreation space. Give your office the polished, finished look it deserves with these five stylish items. Adding a touch of elegance to your workspace doesn't have to be costly with these sophisticated and affordable items.

Is your office space is in need of an upgrade ? Add a touch of luxury to the office lounge area or community break room with these five stylish furniture and decor accents. They are stylish and functional, so you can get more done and enjoy the process. With the right pieces, you can add elegance and personality to your workspace while sticking to the budget. 

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