There are terminal and splice crimpers, wire ferrule crimpers, pin-and-sleeve contact crimpers, and a host of other types of crimpers. With such a variety, it’s difficult to ensure you’re getting the right crimper for the job. For help with your decision-making, consider these well-performing crimpers, which offer quality, value, and reliability.
If a terminal is not crimped onto a wire correctly, the integrity of an electrical connection can be adversely affected. That underscores the importance of a crimper or crimping tool. Crimpers need to be as reliable and hardworking as the people performing the crimping. Consider these leading crimpers as tools that meet those stringent requirements.
Wirefy Crimping Tool
Best Overall
Crimping needs to be accurate, so make sure you’re using a high-quality and reliable crimper. The Wirefy Crimping Tool is just that — a precise ratcheting mechanism designed to make proper uniform crimps every time. Featuring a professional-grade crimping mechanism, the tool can be used all day without making hands sore. The crimping height can be adjusted to apply the right amount of force.
Preciva Ferrule Crimping Tool Kit
Best Value
Boost value in your crimper purchase by buying a crimping tool kit. The Ferrule Crimping Tool Kit by Preciva rates high in value by including a crimping tool and 1,200 insulated wiring terminals to support large electrical repairs or small do-it-yourself projects. Designed to automatically adjust to the appropriate diameter for crimping, the self-adjustable tool is tailored for electricians, upfitters, and builders.
Gardner Bender Crimper
Best Budget
Wondering if there’s an affordable yet functional crimper? There is. The Gardner Bender Crimper ranks as a good budget option, offering an 8-inch electrical plier, crimper, and cutter hand tool at a low price. Sporting a nonslip and comfort-grip handle, the crimper is designed to cut copper and aluminum wire more easily. Its taper nose accommodates cutting in tight locations.
Make a connection with a good crimper to ensure your electrical connections are solid. These top-of-the-line crimpers are solid choices for your crimping needs. They can crimp in tight areas and provide nonslip, comfortable grips. Take a good look at the helpful crimpers on our list.